Memphis HVAC Contractor Blog
Welcome to the Memphis HVAC Contractor Blog provided by Precision Air Conditioning & Heating. Topics blogged about below include many HVAC Contractor tips and articles from our expert contractors, resources, specials, news and other updates from our team here at Precision Air Conditioning & Heating.

With the weather finally heating up as we move into spring, it means more work is in store for your home’s AC. Your Memphis home’s air conditioning system has a lot of hard work ahead of it this year, and that means more risk of something […]

With water heating being one of the most expensive energy costs in modern homes today, accounting for as much as 30% of a home's energy expenses, tankless water heaters have been steadily increasing in popularity. Because hot water makes up such a large amount of the […]

When it comes to your Memphis home's heating system, sorting out problems early is always a better idea than waiting to get emergency repairs in the event of a breakdown. The good news is that most heating systems will generally display some warning signs to let […]

If you and your family are like most homeowners, you rely on your hot water heater for a great deal of the comfort and convenience you enjoy from your home on a daily basis. From cooking, to cleaning, and even bathing, you expect a lot from […]

When’s the last time you stopped and considered the state of your Memphis home’s ductwork? Probably quite a while ago – if ever. Let’s be honest: Even the best of us are bound to overlook an installation that is so out of the way and, for […]

Air conditioning malfunctions are fairly common, and discovering what is causing the disruption in your cooling system can be difficult. Reaching out to a reputable Memphis HVAC contractor for your AC repairs can relieve some of the stress that air conditioning emergencies bring. To correct problems with […]

Memphis homeowners shouldn’t wait for their cooling systems to malfunction entirely before they schedule air conditioning installations with an experienced air conditioning and heating company. Even if you’re attentive to the needs of your cooling system, your AC unit will need to be replaced at some […]

With summer quickly coming to an end, it might seem like the need for AC maintenance is behind us at this point, and since your system will likely be getting a well-deserved break in the coming weeks, it doesn’t really need much in the way of […]

Record-breaking cold has closed out 2017 as it sweeps across the Midwest and Northeast. This is no time to have heating problems in our Memphis homes. We need a 100% reliable heater to cut that 21°F chill, but some families are unfortunately suffering in a cold […]

The reality is that another winter is rapidly approaching, and yet a few too many homeowners out here in the Memphis area have still yet failed to schedule their heating tune-up. A common mistake that homeowners make is failing to take care of this level of […]

Whether you have concerns about bacteria and germs or dust mites and mold, germicidal lights can be installed to protect your family from these harmful substances. UV light sterilization systems can be added onto your HVAC air filtration system to reduce the harmful pathogens and organisms in […]

According to experts, indoor air could be more polluted compared to the air outside the house. This is a surprising fact and is contrary to common belief that outdoor air contains more pollutants from car and industry emissions. Thus, Memphis households are advised to install Air Cleaners. […]

Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer. Every year, this tasteless, odorless, and colorless gas is responsible for sending 15,000 people to the emergency room and results in the death of another 480. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning […]

One of the most important parts of your heating and air conditioning system is its ducts. Keeping your air ducts in great shape is the best way to make sure that your heating and air conditioning system can keep your home comfortable throughout the year. Not […]

Summers in Tennessee can get very hot and very humid. The team at Precision Air Conditioning & Heating doesn’t want you to struggle through summer without having an effective AC. You can prepare yourself for the summer by having an Memphis air conditioning tune-up done. Tune-ups […]

The average Memphis homeowner has a long to-do list and rarely does it include taking care of indoor air quality services. That is, until the time comes that you get a rude awakening about the reality of the condition of your indoor air quality. From the […]

As a Memphis homeowner, you have an obligation to ensure that every portion of your property is kept in the best possible condition. One of the most important systems of your property is its heater. If your heating system is not properly maintained, you and your […]

When buying a brand new water heater there a several factors that you need to take into consideration such as the square footage in your home, number of fixtures, size of family, and specific uses for hot water. The guiding principle needs to be efficiency and […]

An article by one of our owners, Kathe Stewart, was published in our national trade magazine about important considerations BEFORE making modifications to a client’s home or air conditioning and heating system to avoid unintended consequences that can cause more harm than good. Read the full article […]

An article by one of our owners, Kathe Stewart, was published in our national trade magazine talking about working WITH our clients to discover solutions together for comfort problems in their homes. We always try to pass along our experience and knowledge when we can, but together […]

by Kathe Stewart “Kathe, do you mind if I don’t put my boob on?” This may sound like a strange way to start a conversation about your air conditioning and heating. But, these were the first in-person words one of our FAVORITE clients spoke when I went […]

Precision Air Conditioning & Heating has joined the fight to increase awareness and find a cure for breast cancer. During the months of October and November, Precision will donate $10 for each service invoice and $50 for each system installation to Susan G. Komen Memphis-MidSouth. “We are […]

Shara Clark of Memphis Magazine recently interviewed Precision Air Conditioning & Heating founder Larry Stewart for the January issue of the publication. Read what he had to share about the HVAC industry and what consumers need to know to get the most out of their homes’ […]

It’s that time of year with the cold winter temps can really put a toll on your furnace. Constant use and old furances are especially supseptable to breaking down or not working property. Usually, these problems may warrant various types of Memphis furnace repairs . One of […]

If you are a homeowner, you need to learn how to do minor fixes on your appliances, including simple Lakeland air conditioning repairs. The task may be intimidating at first, but it will become handy after you have found out what the problem seems to be. To […]

Air conditioning systems, whether for homes or offices, can contribute much to people’s comfort. Staying cool and comfortable, especially during the hot summer months, can contribute to a positive sense of well-being and even productivity. Proper maintenance can keep your air conditioning system up and running […]

The brother and sister team of Kathe Stewart (COO) and Larry Stewart (President) of Precision Air Conditioning & Heating, Memphis, TN, were presented with the 2013 NCI Chairman’s Award by National Comfort Institute (NCI) during their 2013 Annual Conference in Austin, TX, March 17-22. Each year, this […]

HVA C Tax Credit Back On Along With Deal on Fiscal Cliff We wanted to let all of our Precision Air Conditioning & Heating customers know about a little known tax credit that also happened today that could save you up to $500 in taxes, making now a […]

On September 5, 2012, Firefighters evacuated a Germantown, TN mall near Poplar and Exeter. Three people had to be taken to the hospital. Why? Carbon Monoxide Poisoning You may wonder how it was even possible on a 97 degree day to be exposed to carbon monoxide (CO). Sadly, […]

Having a properly working HVAC is needed if you don’t want your home to be too cold or too hot during summertime. Moreover, professional services can also help you save money by increasing the energy efficiency of your house. If you also want your house to […]

Heating and air systems require an annual inspection. In fact, you should have them inspected by your professional HVAC contractor at the start of summer and again in fall. This way, you know that when the peak seasons hit, your home’s systems are going to work […]

The investment in a Arlington heating and air inspection can make a big difference in the overall function of your home’s systems. In fact, one of the best ways to reduce your overall energy bills is to keep these systems running at their best. It is not […]

Summer weather is here! As temperatures start to soar, we at Precision start to expect a lot of no-cool calls from our customers. But what are the problems that generate most of these calls? We have identified the top three most frequent failure calls HVAC companies […]

It often happens that the air conditioner in the house is neglected until the day you notice no cool air coming from it. This is usually during the hot days of summer, when this machine is most needed. You then try to put the settings to […]

Every homeowner knows the importance of having an air conditioning system in good working order, although few really know how to make sure that their system stays in good shape. The key lies in regular checks that all homeowners should be doing. If you can’t reach it, […]

Technology has surely changed the way we live. Our lives have become much more comfortable, safer and easier due to the various advancements in technology. There are many areas where technical advancements have eased the processes making living simpler. One such area where these advancements have really […]

Minimum Air Conditioning and Heating Energy Efficiency Standards for New Installations are Rising in Memphis Are you thinking of investing in the installation of a new air conditioner or new heater for your Memphis home? It is about to get more expensive. Memphis air conditioning installations and […]

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a dangerous gas that can cause serious health problems. It can lead to cardiovascular disorders, vision impairment, tiredness, and reduced level of oxygen in the blood. Memphis CO poisoning can even prove to be lethal if the affected person does not get […]

Electronic Memphis air cleaners are an important addition to any home or office today. With indoor air pollution being up to five times greater than that of outdoor air, many respiratory health issues are on the rise. Indoor air pollution is rapidly becoming a major problem in […]

Commonly, customers complaint that their Memphis air conditioning or heating system is working, but is not working as well as it used to. There are many reasons this might happen that most people overlook. Some of the reasons have nothing to do with the air conditioning […]

My equipment doesn’t work as well as it used to My equipment never worked well My equipment works too well The rooms in my house are either too hot or too cold at the same time My humidity is too high My humidity is too low My utility bill is too high My […]

The concept of Memphis energy efficiency has become a trend in recent times, as it is geared towards saving you money and helping the environment. In order to upgrade to a whole-house energy efficient home, one should first schedule a home energy audit. The use of the […]

It can sometimes get very aggravating when your are at home, and there is a draft coming from somewhere, yet you check all around, and no windows are open. Where is this draft coming from? Why is it so cold? Or you could have the opposite […]

It is a paramount step to fill your home cavities and seal your home using home insulation. How well your insulation is done will determine how cool your home will stay during summer and how well it will retain heat during the winter season. It will […]

We are living in an extremely delicate time, both financially and environmentally, energy consumption, prices, and CO2 emissions are all rising and steps are having to be made worldwide to save both money and the world, something which people often feel clash, ‘do we save our […]

As people throughout the world think and take action to preserve the natural environment, most in developed countries are taking a fresh look at how they use energy to heat and cool their homes. Furnaces, boilers and air conditioning units are becoming more efficient. Most, however, […]

Have you been using a traditional storage water heating system for quite a while now? Don’t you think it’s about time that you switch to a more energy saving alternative to conventional water heaters? If you want to save on electricity costs and at the same […]

Are you having difficulty in deciding whether it’s better to go with a conventional storage water heater in your Memphis home or make a larger investment in a Memphis tankless water heater? Below is a short highlight of two of the ways the tanked water heater […]

Home air conditioning units are important appliances for many families. These home air conditioning units can make the difference between a comfortable, restful sleep and a humid restless sleep. Those members of the family getting the comfortable, restful sleep will feel better the next morning when […]

Just like your car, your home comfort system needs routine maintenance to keep it running at its best. Without regular servicing, heating and cooling systems waste energy and are more likely to break down. But with the proper attention, they can keep you comfortable year-round. Below are […]

As many as eighty percent of the new homes being built in Memphis are built with central air conditioning units installed. Central air just makes sense, as it keeps the indoor temperatures comfortable while filtering and dehumidifying the air. This is particularly nice for people who […]

We usually think of air pollution as being outdoors, but the air in your house or office could also be polluted. Sources of indoor pollution include Biological contaminants like mold and pollen. Tobacco smoke, Household products and pesticides. Gases such as radon and carbon monoxide. Materials […]

Step back and take a deep breath. Feels great, doesn’t it? With the winter season well upon us, it is time to stop and think about the quality of the air you are breathing. Air quality issues do not get the same attention in the winter […]

We spend more of our time indoors than we do outdoors. People spend as much as 90% of their lives inside. If you think about it, a majority of things that we do are inside – sleeping, eating, working, relaxing, etc. The quality of our indoor […]

Indoor air can make you miserable if it is not kept clean and healthy. Clean indoor air is essential for a happy you and a happy home. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reported that Indoor air can contain up to 5 times as much pollution as outdoor […]

It is extremely important for you to perform regular maintenance on your home’s hot water heater. Besides the safety concerns that a faulty water heater can cause, hot water is also the third largest energy expense in the average home. Most electric water heaters will last […]

These days everything around us reminds us to be conscious of the world we live in. Reports on climate change, diminishing world food supply, and damage to our ozone layer – what more warning signs do we need before we do our part to save the […]

Heating costs have gone up rapidly in the past two years. You may find that you are paying twice as much to heat your home. What can you do to save some of this money? Start by walking through your home and identifying the areas where heated […]

Fall has arrived and the time has come to begin turning on your heaters for the cold winter months. Unfortunately, not everyone has the best home furnace in the world and others may live in older homes which tend to lose heat rather quickly. This can […]

With the price of oil so high this year, the threat of high Memphis home heating bills is something we are all concerned about. Whether you heat with propane, gas, oil or electric, there are steps you can take to help lower your heating bills and […]

Home heating systems can be of two basic types. You can either set up a central heating system, or you can fix a heater in each room. It is your call. Operating each of these two types will be different. In the case of the central […]

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. In technical terms, it is produced by the incomplete oxidation of carbon in combustion. NOTE: CO is NOT the “gas” people sometimes smell […]

How often do you drive past a home or other building and notice the air conditioner? Probably never, unless it is an air conditioner that looks like it doesn’t belong there. True air conditioning means not only controlling the temperature, but reducing the humidity and purifying […]

Cooling units are the same basically, but there are some differences in size and the amount of space they can cool. Along with Freon, every air conditioning unit contains a pump and condenser along with an evaporator, thermostat for temperature control and an expansion valve, which […]