“Do You Mind If I Don’t Put My Boob On?” or Why Your Furnace, Boiler, Heat Pump, A/C Repair or Installation is Fighting Breast Cancer in Memphis

by Kathe Stewart
“Kathe, do you mind if I don’t put my boob on?” This may sound like a strange way to start a conversation about your air conditioning and heating. But, these were the first in-person words one of our FAVORITE clients spoke when I went to her home for the first time some years ago. We ended up chatting like two old friends for a very long time. Of course, Shirley was talking about her prosthetic “boob” (the one she wore sometimes to replace the one she had lost to breast cancer).
Because of that memorable conversation starter, I scheduled my own mammogram after I left her home that day, and every year since.
We’ve had many phone chats about life, friendship, her battle with cancer – which became a footnote to all the health battles that followed. Her philosophy of maintaining an upbeat and optimistic attitude, not wasting her time worrying about things she could not change, putting one foot in the front of the other and even the loss of her sister to metastatic breast cancer were topics of conversation and inspiration – often while scheduling her HVAC repair and maintenance calls over the years.
As it became more difficult to live alone, she moved to assisted living. Last month, we connected about what she has been up to and our desire at Precision Air Conditioning & Heating to help raise awareness about and a cure for breast cancer. Plus, especially after losing my mother this year (whose spirit in the face of serious health challenges was similar), I wanted to make sure she knew what an amazingly positive impact she has and continues to have on MY life. I told her that whenever I face something tough, I think of her, her indomitable spirit, her willingness to live full out, her courage and yes, the boob comment that propelled me into taking action for myself. That is how we came to support the Memphis-MidSouth Affiliate of Susan G. Komen.
10 Reasons Precision Air Conditioning & Heating Donates For the Cure and for Breast Cancer Awareness in October & November
- Shirley’s spirit and example inspires us to do what we can where we can (and she SURE inspired me!) Everyone pays attention in October because it is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We add in November too – to extend the conversation a bit longer. Especially as the female co-owner of Precision and 47 years old myself, I am all too aware of the increased risk of breast cancer after 40 . Most of the women we serve are 40+.
- As a family owned business for 41 years, we think of our clients as a part of our family. We do it for every person in our own family and the greater Precision family and beyond who might see OUR participation and decide to take a step toward action for themselves and/or their loved ones. YES!!! It is okay to drag your sister, mom, friend, co-worker, daughter or grand-mother to her mammogram.
- Talking about and raising awareness about breast cancer matters. It helps on every level from education, prevention, screening, diagnosis, support, treatment, choices and even a cure (to name a few). Awareness and action are not the same thing. However, more focus on awareness helps lead to more action. In fact, since 1990, breast cancer mortality has decreased by 34 percent. Experts attribute this to improved treatments and early detection.
- For all those women (and men) who are or will be fighting, living, thriving and/or in remission with this disease. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in her lifetime and 1 in 1000 men in his lifetime as things stand now. 25% of ALL cancer in women is Breast Cancer.
- For all those we’ve lost to this disease and the voids their passing left behind.
- For everyone who loves someone with this disease. Including those in our family.
- Supporting Susan G. Komen Memphis-MidSouth means that 75% of the funds raised stay in our community . As a LOCALLY run affiliate of Susan G. Komen, they have their own Board of Directors and are very transparent about where there fundraising goes. In fact, by scrolling to the bottom of the link above, you can see a pdf list of exactly what organizations they are supporting financially. This means more LOCAL women can have access to education, screening, support and treatment.
- Supporting Susan G. Komen Memphis-MidSouth means that 25% of the fundraising goes to global and national breast cancer research. Komen is the 1 private provider of research funds in the nation.
- Sadly, Memphis is 1 in the NATION for deaths from breast cancer for African American women.
- Early diagnosis is key for the best long term outcomes for most types of breast cancer. Although risks vary with type and stage of breast cancer, there is a 99% relative 5-year survival rate for early-stage breast cancer.

For the Months of October & November, When you choose us for your heater, boiler, heat pump, furnace, air conditioning or water heater repair we donate $10 to Susan G. Komen Memphis-MidSouth. For every new air conditioning and heating system installation we donate $50.