Have You Scheduled Your Heating Tune-Up Yet?

The reality is that another winter is rapidly approaching, and yet a few too many homeowners out here in the Memphis area have still yet failed to schedule their heating tune-up. A common mistake that homeowners make is failing to take care of this level of preventive care.
This is not something that should be viewed as a frivolous expense for an unnecessary task. Instead, it should be recognized for the essential investment that it is. Waiting for your system to break down completely in the middle of the night on a weekend is certainly not the wiser approach to take.
Understanding the Importance
If you are someone still not convinced this is a necessary service, here are a few points to ponder:
You are already wasting money without realizing it – A furnace tune-up isn’t just about fixing problems, it is about fine tuning this piece of machinery. This is what helps your heating system operate in a more efficient manner. Side benefit to that is lower utility costs, as well as a more Eco-friendly household.
Even newer systems need checked for one major reason – the warranty! The coverage you have requires a certain level of ongoing maintenance. Fail to meet those guidelines and you will end up forfeiting the warranty coverage you should have. That means if a repair need does crop up, you will have to pay for it from your own pocket.
Tune-ups help with both performance and longevity – If you want your system to function at its peak best, as well as do so for as long as possible, invest into ongoing service. There is no reason not to be able to max out the lifespan of your furnace, but it’s only possible if you invest into preventative care.
It may pose a threat to your family – Depending on the type of system you have, you could be running the risk of exposure to carbon monoxide. Furnaces are a common source of this kind of trouble, and getting it checked on a regular annual basis reduces the likelihood of a threat of CO poisoning, so it could save lives!
Will You Know Who to Call?
Since 1973, Precision Air Conditioning & Heating has been serving the locals in this area for all of their heating, cooling and indoor air quality work. We feel strongly about heating tune-up work because it lets us find problems before they have the opportunity to affect your household. Don’t let Old Man Winter move on in before you have had your heating system looked at by one of our reputable professionals.