The Heating And Air Questions You Should Ask Annually

Heating and air systems require an annual inspection. In fact, you should have them inspected by your professional HVAC contractor at the start of summer and again in fall. This way, you know that when the peak seasons hit, your home’s systems are going to work the way they should.
Overall Function and Condition
The heating and air systems in any home or business will last longer with regular maintenance. However, that does not mean they will last forever. Rather, it is up to you to ask the technician about the current condition of the system. Is it working as it should be? Are there any concerns that it will need repair in a short period of time? Are there any components that may need replacement? Know the current condition of the system so you know what to prepare for. The big question to know the answer to is the expected life of your HVAC system. These techs can help you with that.
Just because the system is working the way it should, does not mean it is running as efficient as can be. Often, the HVAC system is functioning properly but you may have other areas of concern that could improve the systems efficiency. This includes replacing duct work installing a better thermostat and even sealing off windows and attics if heat loss is a problem. Discuss the overall efficiency of your system based on its age, too. Systems that are 10 to 12 years old are likely to be less efficient than current models. It may be a good idea to upgrade if the timing is right to do so.
What Regular Care Do You Need to Do?
Finally, be sure to discuss the regular care you need to do for your system. This may include checking outside vents and air circulation systems to ensure there is no debris in place. In between technician calls, you may need to clean and replace filters for these systems, too.
The more you know about your heating and air, the better. Not only do you want to prepare for problems now, but you also want to ensure you are doing the best possible job of maintaining the system. That way, you can get the best climate control at the lowest overall cost to you.